bella dea

Dream Anyway! Hello and Welcome! The other day I had a dream. I dreamt of a lighthouse, surrounded by a beautiful sunset amongst breathtaking shores! I could see the sun glistening among the ripples in the sea. It almost felt like I was actually there! Then I awoke in a daze, back to reality. As I turned on the television to watch the news, my dream felt so far away as I immersed myself into what is going on around the world right now. As I finished watching the news, I felt rather glum so I just turned off the telly and paused. Closing my eyes, I remembered my dream again. I smiled. I smiled for it reminded me that there is much to still look forward to, despite what is going on now. So I kept my eyes closed and tried to think of all that I look forward to when this pandemic is over. I look forward to: Hugging my loved ones. Having the freedom to travel and visit others.