bella dea

Sandals Summer’s on its way which means it will very soon be time to show off your toes ! Contents Features Sports Wear Whatever you choose to wear when working out, make sure you are comfortable. Bath & Body Care Look after yourself and take time for some self-care and indulge in some pampering. Smile...! Humaira Naz, in her column "Smile" looks at the importance of smiling through these troubled times. Forest bathing Bella Dea looks at Nature Therapy also sometimes referred to as Eco therapy . Summer Shorts Bella Dea looks at shorts this summer and are pleasantly surprised to find a variety of designs from a number of shops. Hats & Sunglasses (and don’t forget your suncream )! Bella dea has hints and tips . Swimwear: Mid-summer and everyone wants to look on the beach. Summer Skirts Bella Dea takes a look at this key staple to your summer wardrobe. Blouses & Tops If you’re looking for something stylish, whatever the occasion Bella Dea investigates. Continue Taking Care The most important thing to do in the face of Covid-19 is to remain positive and take care of yourself.