bella dea

Welcome 2021! It was great to hear the New Year start off with the bangs and lights of fireworks filling the night sky, reminding me of the vibrance and life full in London city! As I spent New Year’s Eve at home enjoying the fireworks, I then turned on the telly to watch a live singing performance which just lifted my mood and made me feel thankful that 2021 had started! I understand much is still uncertain and the pandemic is not over, yet I am glad to enter 2021 having practiced patience and diligence throughout the previous year. As I thought about the New Year, I thought of some affirmations. Affirmations are positive statements that you can say to yourself to help overcome challenging, self sabotaging and negative thoughts. I also use affirmations to reinforce my positive thoughts. I have some of my own affirmations which I would like to share with you: •I am resilient. •I am patient. •I am safe. •I am grateful for each day and all my loved ones.