bella dea

Connections! Hello & welcome! Summer time is one of my favourite seasons, especially when the days are usually brighter and sunnier! With lockdown restrictions lifting, this motivates me to meet up and connect with others I have not seen for a while. Connecting with others, especially those who we have positive relationships with, is beneficial for our mental health, boosts our mood and general sense of well being. However, with a pandemic to deal with, connecting with others face to face might be causing varying feelings and thoughts for different people. How are you feeling about lockdown restrictions lifting? For me it is a sign of relief but also a time for caution, yet I want to be able to live my life as fully as I can. I want to be able to enjoy the Summer days, meeting others I care about and having days out exploring. Although certain restrictions may lift, some people will feel more comfortable moving on as usual, whereas for others it may take time to adjust.