bella dea

Improved Health: Extra weight is a major contrib- uting factor to conditions such as heart disease, high blood pres- sure, stroke, diabetes and some forms of cancer. However losing weight will reduce the risk of de- veloping such diseases. In addition, weight-bearing aerobic ex- ercise, such as walking, can reduce the risk of osteoporosis and its complications. Low-impact aerobic exercises, such as swimming and cycling are great ways of doing aer- obic exercise without putting ex- cessive stress on joints. Improved Immune System: People who exercise regularly are known to have more efficient immune systems and are less sus- ceptible to minor viral illnesses such as colds and flu. Scientists think that aerobic exercise helps ac- tivate your immune system and prepares it to fight off infection. Improved Mental health: Regular aerobic exercise makes you feel good because it can con- siderably raise your mood, in fact you may even experience eupho- ria! This is because endorphins are released into our bodies when we exercise. These fabulous chemicals are natural painkillers and can also reduce stress, depression and anxi- ety. Increased Stamina: Regular exer- cise over a period of time will in- crease your stamina so that you will gradually be able to go on for longer and exercise with more vig- our and will leave you feeling less tired. Live longer: Studies show that people who do regular aerobic exercise live longer than those who don't exercise regu- larly. Forms of aerobic exercise include cross-country skiing, aero- bic dancing, swimming, stair climbing, bicycling, jogging, el- liptical training or rowing. Check with your doctor before starting an exercise routine if you are new to this type of strenuous activity and listen to your body. If you are new to this type of exer- cise, why not click on the link be- low to try one of the British Heart Foundation aerobics for beginners videos.