bella dea

Feeling ALIVE! Hello and welcome! I am a Life Coach. However, that was not always the case. Feeling uncertain, yet highly intuitive, with courage through life changing events and decisions brought me here. Like many of us, I always have taken pride in working hard. At times it felt like for me, WORK, WORK, EAT (if I could squeeze it in), SLEEP (sometimes sleepless), REPEAT. Running around from one task to another, one commitment to another. A routine, almost robotic with repetitive actions and tasks. Doing all those things I felt ‘I should’ be doing. Feeling emotionless and numb, all I wanted was to feel ALIVE again. I knew that perhaps this may not happen instantly, but I was willing to fight for it, step by step, each and every day. As I made the decision in my mind to start pulling away from this monotonous way of life, I started by focussing on my physical and mental health. For me this meant making time for ‘me’ by exercising regularly. So I joined the gym and started Zumba. More than just joining the gym or a dance class, this was a step for me to start considering what my mind and body needs. A way for me to start releasing some of my stresses and at times just dancing it away for the moment. I was rebuilding my physical and mental strength and was also fortunate meet some lovely friends along the way. My vision for what I wanted also became greater, yet simpler. The thought of travelling and being by the sea, listening to the waves and feeling a breeze actually made me smile again. It made me remember how it feels to just step away from the chaos around me to a new surrounding. A far away beach or a local beach, did not matter. For me this was a way of finding calm, freedom and change. To get the fulfilment I wanted, meant for me challenging what I had always known and believed, to push me towards an even greater purpose. Year by year, I tried something new and learned to trust what my mind and body also needed. As always, having the passion to be of service to others but also to myself.