bella dea

Contents Features E-Magazine Editor’s Letter Welcome to July’s edition of bella dea . We have a packed issue with inspiration on looking fabulous on the beach. Mindfulness & wellbeing Wellbeing is …Mindfulness is… Summer Dresses are a key staple to your summer wardrobe. Beauty & The Beach Bella Dea loves this season’s Swimwear. Sunglasses & hats (and don’t forget your suncream )! Bella dea has hints and tips . Bags Galore So many wonderful bags to choose from. Sandals Summer’s on its way which means it will very soon be time to show off your toes ! Summer Fitness & Wellbeing Mid-summer and everyone wants to look & feel their best Summer Essentials Bella dea takes a look back to previous editions Curiosity Counts! This time of year in particular gets me thinking about how to make the most of the long summer days.