bella dea

Garlic has many nutri- tional benefits. Not only does it enhance the flavour of certain foods, it’s packed with vitamin C, vitamin B6 and manganese as well as containing other essential vitamins and minerals. Taking garlic as a sup- plement can boost the body’s immune system, helping to fight colds and flu. It can also help to reduce blood pres- sure in those with high blood pressure (hypertension) It’s im- portant to reduce high blood pressure as it is a factor that has been linked to heart disease and strokes. Garlic can also help to reduce cholesterol lev- els which can reduce the risk of heart dis- ease by reducing the LDL (harmful) choles- terol by about 10–15%. Garlic also has antioxi- dant properties which help to protect against the oxidative dam- age from free radicals which contribute to the aging process. The combined effects on reducing cholesterol and blood pressure, as well as the antioxidant properties, may reduce the risk of brain dis- eases such as Alzhei- mer's disease and dementia.